Calvary Kids

Calvary Kids Registration

If your child attends Kids’ Church or Sunday Small Groups you can now register online. Take a minute to fill out our Calvary Kids Registration Form right here!

Kids’ Sunday Groups


Nursery (0-2 Years)

Our nursery is staffed with great volunteers ready to take good care of your little ones while you are part of the worship service.

Preschool (3-5 Years)

Preschoolers will have lots of fun in their newly decorated, spacious room!
Bible stories, snack, games and more!

Kindergarten (JK-SK)

Kindergarten kids will have a blast in our spacious, dedicated room, with Bible stories, snack, games and more!

Senior Kids (Grades 1-5)

Senior Kids will have a great time learning more about Jesus! Games, music, stories and more.


Where do I bring my kids on Sunday?

You can find our Kids’ Check-In right through our front doors. Signs will indicate the check-in area where you will find a leader who will direct you to your child’s group.

Who will be working with my kids?

All of our ministry leaders are required to go through our screening process and provide us with an up-to-date police check. We also have various training meetings throughout the year to provide your children with caring, qualified, and devoted teachers.