Connecting people to Christ and community.
What We Value.
We value doing our best. This means that we'll be dedicated to inspiring one another to honour God with excellence (Colossians 3:17).
We recognise the need to use unique methods to link a variety of people to God in a way that's relatable (1 Corinthians 9:22,23)
Holy Spirit
We value the leadership of the Holy Spirit and will be careful to listen and respond to the voice of God (John 14:17).
God cares for people through people. This means that we strive to develop community in which there is a sense of belonging and where each individual feels valued and cared for (Matthew 19:19).
We recognise the example set for us by Jesus Christ and strive to keep lines of communication with God open through which He brings about eternal change (Luke 11:1-13).
Servant Leadership
Our spiritual gifts have maximum impact when they are used regularly and with humility. This means that we will act in meaningful ways consistent with our gifts and calling in order to better care for one another (1 Corinthians 14:1).
Holy Bible
We believe that the teachings of the Bible are the way to significant life change. This means that we desire continuous spiritual growth through the careful studying and teaching of God's word (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Romans 12:2).
Jesus Christ
We value our relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus is our reason for living and our purpose in everything we do. This means that we are devoted to expressing the greatness of God in our lives every day.
What We Believe.
Essential Truths
Calvary is a member of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. We adhere to the following statement of fundamental and essential truths. Click the button below to explore what we believe.
Our Annual Report.
Annual General Meeting
Calvary has an Annual General Meeting every year. We celebrate what God has done in our church family and look ahead to what He’s going to do. You can read our most recent Annual Report below.